FO Friday: Christmas Tam (Take Two)


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 Alright, I've got a Finished Object for Finished Object Friday - The Christmas Tam is done!  (Again).

a cabled tam with a pom-pom, knit in variegated green yarn, laying flat.

 I'm still really happy with how this turned out - even if it's the second time around

 I decided, after some testing, simply to unravel and re-knit the whole hat, rather then try and a) sew in an elastic around the brim or b) commit Hat Surgery and slice off the ribbing.

Option C - "Reknit the whole darn thing", was actually the best option, I think.  Not only has my giftee tried it on and loves the new fit; now I have a functional Hat Pattern from the prototype that I can submit to yarn companies - I'm actually writing this up as a submission to the Knit Picks Independent Designer Program!

Needles are my 2.25 mm *Nickle-Plated Circular Needles from Knit Picks - and the only thing I can add to my previous posts about these needles is how well the cord works for Magic Loop on a very small circumference! As I decreased, I went first to Travelling Loop, then to Magic Loop, and I was worried the cord wouldn't like the stress of it, but, no, it did just fine!

Yarn is  Fleece Artist's 2/6 Merino in "Spruce", which is very, very discontinued.  This was salvaged from a hat I knit a number of years ago, and it was Old Stash back then, so, it's old, but still good!  I played quite the game of Yarn Chicken as I got to the end of the hat,  - I'd played a game of Yarn Chicken and won with the first hat, but lost a little bit of yarn with this hat, as I had some untangling to do.   But I made it (only just)!

I'm actually really happy this is off the needles and I can focus on other projects  - there's a couple upcoming samples for some magazines that I'm really looking forward to getting -on- the needles, plus, long-time readers are familiar with my large backlog of WIPs that I'm hoping to make a dent in.  Wish me luck!
