FO Friday: Fire and Light Shawl

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 Alright, I've got a Finished Object for Finished Object Friday - the Fire and Light shawl is done - and yes, I finished my game of Yarn Chicken!

 a pale blue variegated lace shawl across the back of a couch.  The shawl is knit from the top centre out, with a top section of mesh, and a bottom edge with a fire themed stitch motif.If I could change one thing, I think it would be how I did the centre increases during the mesh section - the spine stitches get a bit lost in that section!  But overall, I'm really quite happy with it, and I really love how the fire motif turned out after blocking!

 The Merino Lace yarn from DyeVersion (discontinued, sadly, it looks like DyeVersion is no longer in business), is so, so light - it's easily one of the lightest lace yarns I've worked with.  It's like wearing a cloud!  But I'm glad I went with my idea to work this shawl in Canadian-dyed yarn - it just feels like such a good fit for what this shawl is all about.

 It was knit on my 2.75 *Nickle-Plated Circular Needles from Knit Picks - I did a test swatch on larger needles, but, I'm so glad I went down to the smaller needle size - I think at the larger size it would have been too loose and floppy, not to mention I probably would have lost my game of Yarn Chicken!  

Now, to get it photographed and ready for editing and testing!

I do, however, plan to wear it to Barrie Fibre Spirit (tomorrow, August 24, 2024 - I'm teaching a class on accessible knitting and crochet there!) so, if you're in the area and want to meet up, you can look for this shawl!
