WIP Wednesday: So. Much. Stocking. Stitch! Eyelet Lace Skirt

 Alright, once again, welcome back to WIP Wednesday, and, with the Impossible Geometry Socks finished, it's back to the Eyelet Skirt from Universal Yarns, which I need to get done, since I'm working on it for the KNITmuch blog (and very much enjoying it, despite the title of this blog post!)

At this point, the pattern is deceptively easy - I've done all the hard stuff. It's just lots (and lots) of stocking stitch, for the upper part of the skirt,  The lace panels are done; the decreases are almost done, and very easy - the only other step is the hem and the I-cord!  The hem is probably the hardest part, but I've done this style of hem before, and once you're familiar with it, it's not hard.  I suspect the most tedious part (barring all the stocking stitch), is going to be feeding the I-cord tie through the hem - I'll be using a safety pin for that!

a large amount of stocking stitch worked in a sky blue yarn.  One ring stitch marker is on the needles, one ring stitch marker has been slipped into the work many rows down.
Right now, though, it's just lots and lots of stocking stitch - which is great, because it means that it's completely 'mindless' knitting and can come with me to presentations and events, but, I admit, I'm ready for it to be done, now!

The yarn is FibraNatura's Flax in "Adriatic" (thanks to KNITMuch for the yarn support!) and I'm really, really waiting to see what happens when I wash and dry this.  Linen usually gets far softer on the washing; and that should even out my stitches and really make the lace shine.  (Plus, it's machine washable and dryable, which is always a win for a natural fibre!)  It's a bit rough on the hands to work with, but that's far from surprising, what I really want to see is what the finished garment actually does.

As for the needles, they're Clover Bamboo Needles (again, thanks to KNITMuch for sending me the needles to try out, too!) and I'd never used them before. .  . but I think I'm in love!  They're lightweight, and the needle tip is long enough to be comfortable for me (I don't like shorter circular needle tips, they make my hands cramp)  To be honest, yes, I've had a few issues with stitches slipping off the needle tip, but I think that's just due to the sheer number of stitches (I cast on over 400 stitches for this thing!)

I am, however, less fond of the Unique Split-Ring Stitch Markers.  It's not a product fault, or anything of that nature, but when I have them on the needle, I find they tend to get caught on the rounds beneath where I've got them.  It's not a problem if I put them in the knitted fabric, to do something like say mark a row (like I did with the black one one in the picture), so they might be better suited for that, rather then for 'on the needles' markers.  But, it just means that occasionally I have to unhook the stitch marker from where it's gotten caught a few rounds down.  Nominally annoying? Sure.  But hardly horrible.

Honestly, I'm just happy I should have this project done for June. Those who know me know my projects tend to languish. Plus, I thought it would take longer, and the fact that it's come together so quickly has made me very happy!

But time to flip the question around: what are you working on, and how is it going?  Are you happy with your summer crafting, too, or, are your projects going in the time-out box? Let me know here in the comments or on the discord!
