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It's WIP Wednesday once again, and I bring to you a new cast on - a set of felted Leaf Coasters! These have been in the planning for a bit for the Pattern Muses on Patreon - and now I've finally gotten the chance to cast on! This one will be a Maple Leaf, but I'm aiming for several more leaf patterns as well - Patrons can make suggestions as to leaves and other nature symbols that might work well on these coasters!
It's WIP Wednesday once again, and I bring to you a new cast on - a set of felted Leaf Coasters! These have been in the planning for a bit for the Pattern Muses on Patreon - and now I've finally gotten the chance to cast on! This one will be a Maple Leaf, but I'm aiming for several more leaf patterns as well - Patrons can make suggestions as to leaves and other nature symbols that might work well on these coasters!
Yarn is *Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Sport, in "Coal" and "White" - I've chosen this yarn specifically because a) it was gifted to me, so no need to find the money for new yarn, and b) because it's supposed to felt really well, and the coasters are designed to be felted, so, we'll see how this works, as it's my first time working with WOTA Sport.
Needles are my ancient, inherited 3mm needles (they're old enough they have the old UK/Canadian Sizing on them!), and they're knitting up quite nicely.
I do, however, have to consistently remind myself of colour dominance. While I absolutely adore knitting colourwork, I do struggle with making sure my colour dominance is consistent. It doesn't matter as much for this project as for some, as the felting should obscure any obvious problems, but it's still good to be as consistent as possible (if nothing else, as practice for other, non-felted projects!)
Do you enjoy colourwork? Got some projects you want to show off? Share them in the comments, or the Works-In-Progress section on Discord!
P.S. Sorry for this going up later in the afternoon, we had the fire alarms go off in our building and it wasn't a drill! I'm back inside now (safe, along with the cats), but I'm still not sure what exactly happened. If there actually was a small fire, it was far enough from our apartment unit that I can't tell. Looks like everyone is safe, which is the important part!
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