Spring Construction: Resource List, Errata, and Social Media Changes

Hello again all!

So now that Spring has finally appeared, it seems that it's the time for my blog to undergo some construction.

A crossed hammer and wrench on yellow warning sign.  Text underneath reads: Under Construction

As I learn more about the Blogger Interface, I've been adding more features here (you may have noticed!) But it's not just that. I'm slowly expanding both my knowledge and my web presence, and the changes here are going to reflect that! 

So, without further ado, here's what's changed in the past little while, and what's going to change in the near future:
  1. First and Foremost, I'm now on Google+!  So those who were looking to find me there before, well, now you can!
  2. Second, in relation to that, I've added in a Social Media Widget on the Sidebar, replacing my previous list of links.  The Widget has links to Facebook, Ravelry, Google+, Pinterest, and my Etsy Store. I had to do some tweaking to get things to do what I wanted, so if something isn't displaying correctly, or a link isn't working, please let me know!
  3. Errata!  Those who follow me on Ravelry or have seen my listings on Etsy have seen that I've added Errata links to my pattern pages, and those are hosted here on my blog.  It means that if you have a copy of my patterns and aren't getting the Ravelry Updates when I correct something, you now can access Errata for the patterns.  You should be able to see the list of pattern Errata in a new list of links on the sidebar.
  4. Resource List: I'm slowly working to migrate my list of Fiber Arts Resources from the sidebar to their own page, and I'm getting close to done!  So please don't panic when that list vanishes; the list has simply been moved (and added to)!
  5. Mailing List Sign Up.  Yep, you can now sign up for my (infrequent) Mailing List right from the blog.   Just check the sidebar!
  6. I've added in a 'Follow By E-mail Option, also in the sidebar.  It's a bit different then the Mailing List, though it will keep you up to date just as well -- it will e-mail you when I post a new blog post here. 
  7. And right at the top of the Blog Sidebar, I've added in a Search.  Just in case people want to find something in older posts. 
Thanks for all your patience during these changes -- I hope they work for you to find what you're looking for here, and feedback is always appreciated.

Now, I'm going to go back out on my balcony and enjoy the spring weather.  Until Next Time!
